Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Raise a Slogan for the Royal Bengal Tigers

While checking out interesting online entries on Tiger census, stumbled upon this blog - save-tiger.blogspot.com. Here is what one of the slogans read on the blog:

No Tigers = No Forests = No clean Air & Water = No You & Me = No Blogging = That sucks man!

For a moment, I was drawing a typical forest food chain in my mind as I had read in my schoolbooks. Ah, no prizes for guessing now....for why a question on food chain was set obligatorily in science exam papers.

Less tigers means > loss of vegetation cover due to rise in the number of herbivores > affecting water cycle (lesser transpiration volume) > lesser rain, more harmful particulate matter in air > threat to human beings > and yes, no human being, no words of wisdom online.

Sometimes a thought of losing such wonderful creatures sends a chill down the spine. The feeling is more and more frequent now. Remembering a Tiger cub in a spot hosted by a mobile carrier. Time to act!

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